A warrior of Birchclan
Gender: She-cat / Female
Pronouns: She/her
Age: 46 moons old
Personality: quiet, overly indipendent, kind but reserved, intelligent but she doesn´t belive it, loyal, a bit blunt, rebelious but the others don´t really notice
Lore / backstory: She was born with "Jack" (aka Cinderstorm), her mother Scarlet called her "Amy". Later Seastar showed up and forced Scarlet to give him his kids so Scarlet gave them up. Honestly I think they would have been much happier if they stayed in the kittypet place, but meaby the clans were their destiny. Her clanmates were kinda akward around them the first few moons they lived there. But Cinderpaw just kinda charmed the others to like them. Amberfur never really had many close relationships outside Cinderstorm. She gets along better with the other clancats than her own clanmates honestly. Anyway she´s here?
Pelt: long furred white and light orange with a few scars and has a half long hair tuft on her face
Eyes: deep icy blue eyes
Height: Medium height
Parents: Seastar , and a kittypet named "Scarlet"
Sibling(s): Cinderstorm (littermate, deceased)
Children: N/A
Dissability if any: N/A
Mate or crush: N/A
Sexuality: Bisexual
Former/current mentor: Blackstone
Former or current apprentince(s) : N/A
Songs that remind me of the character: N/A
Art gallery:
What flower would this character be and what meaning behind the flower?:
Freesia (innocence, trust, friendship)
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