
A warrior in Darkclan

Gender: She-cat / Female

Pronouns: She/her

Age: 69 moons old

Personality: Kind, brave, she could use more confidence but she´s not unconfident, she is very willing to sacrifice herself for others

Lore / backstory: She has two dads. They die. Okay a fire breaks out in like the forest. And she finds this tiny kit all alone. Who knows where the kit came from but it was going to burnalive if it wouldn´t have been saved. So Clovershine breaks away from the group of cats escaping the fire and goes to save the kit. Sadly like a large tree branch falls on her and her left side of upper body gets massive burns. She nearly didn´t survive the fire but she did and she and her mate Brackenstorm decided to raise the kit and named her Rabbitkit. She is considerd the clans bravest cat for risking her life for a kit, like a true warrior. Later she has two more kits. She´s very distraught at Emberfang´s death, but she doesn´t really blame Waspstar for his death but also kinda secretly does

Pelt: Long furred light orange pretty with a flowy/wavy furred tail and right face is burned. Has dark orange markings

Eyes: Bluish amber eyes?

Height: medium height

Parents: Beetlehorn (deceased) and Sorrelcloud (deceased)

Sibling(s): N/A

Children: Fernstorm , Emberheart and Rabbitfoot (adopted daughter)

Dissabilites if has any: half blind, due to her left side of her face being burned

Mate or crush: Mates with Brackenstorm

Sexuality: Straight

Former/current mentor: Dayfade (deceased)

Former or current apprentince(s) : Rabbitfoot

Songs that remind me of the character: N/A

Art gallery:

Brackenstorm and Clovershine after finding out what Fernstorm did (Sadly Clover is mostly behind Bracken so you can´t really see her)

What flower would this character be and what meaning behind the flower?:

Clover (luck)

Gladiolus (strenght of character, faithfulness, moral intergrity, remembrance)

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