
An elder in Darkclan

Gender: She-cat / Female

Pronouns: she/her

Age: 164 moons old

Personality: Likes to tell stories of the past, very fierce yet sweet, quiet, not afraid to say her opinion but doesn´t usually care enough to get involved

Lore / backstory: She was Darkclan´s strongest fighter until she retired, lots of cats belive she should have been leader instead of her brother (who has horrible leadership skills). She has good relations to her clanmates yet likes to be alone most of the time. Has a great relationship with Windchaser, Stripedflower and Rabbitfoot.

Pelt: Ragged orange with dark orange markings and one floppy left ear. Long scars across right side of her face, on smaller ones on neck and back

Eyes: Light blue eyed, right eye blind

Height: Short

Parents: Applefreckle (deceased), and Tangletuft (deceased)

Sibling(s): Waspstar (littermate)

Children: N/A

Dissabilites if has any: Poor eyesight due to old age, right eye blind due to injury.

Mate or crush: N/A

Sexuality: Aromantic, straight

Former/current mentor: Dayfade (deceased)

Former or current apprentince(s) : Windchaser, Brackenstorm

Songs that remind me of the character: N/A

Art gallery:

Hailmoon icon

What flower would this character be and what meaning behind the flower?:

Candytuft (indifferance, sweetness)

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