
A warrior of Birchclan

Gender: She-cat / Female

Pronouns: She/her

Age: 21 moons old

Personality: a bit melodramatic, very social, has a hard time admitting she´s wrong, she cares and worries for others a lot, very energetic,

Lore / backstory: She kinda was annoyed that her parents would keep smothering her since she was the only surviving kit of the litter. VERY good friends with Snakeheart, though their friendship is gonna get rough soon honestly. She is pretty much friends with nearly every cat around her age. Surprisingly she is VERY strict about the warrior code (girl you made plans to sneak out every apprentince of two clans? Idk I guess that wasn´t like written illigal so she just thought its fine?) Very much in love with Marblefur.

Pelt: Light honey orange golden tabby with a cream muzzle, neck, paws. Dark gold brown stripes and other markings.

Eyes: light blue pretty eyes

Height: Medium height but short leaning

Parents: Sparrow-wing (deceased), and Sablefur

Sibling(s): Snailkit (littermate, deceased), Trushkit (littermate, deceased), Mossykit (littermate, deceased)

Children: N/A

Dissabilites if has any: N/A

Mate or crush: Mates with Marblefur

Sexuality: Straight

Former/current mentor: Pearleyes

Former or current apprentince(s) : N/A

Songs that remind me of the character: N/A

Art gallery:

An old Honeytail fullart

What flower would this character be and what meaning behind the flower?:

Myrtus (love, joy, remembrance)

Yellow cymbidium (pure, value, respected friendship)

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