
Wandering loner

Gender: She-cat / Female

Pronouns: She/they

Age: 22 moons old

Personality: Quiet, calm, melancholic

Lore / backstory: Lived as a barn cat with other cats. She fell in love with Cloud, who rejected her. She felt too disconnected with the barn to keep living there so she left to find herself a home

Pelt: Orange tabby with reddish stripes

Eyes: teal green eyes

Height: Medium height short leaning

Parents: Smoke, and Snowdrop

Sibling(s): Pepper(littermate), Marblefur / "Sunny"(littermate), Atticus / Addie(littermate)

Children: N/A

Dissabilites if has any: N/A

Mate or crush: Former crush on Cloud

Sexuality: Bisexual, asexual

Songs that remind me of the character: Song name and by who

Art gallery:

Silly sibling art

What flower would this character be and what meaning behind the flower?:

Bleeding heart (rejection, love, grief, unrequited love, loneliness, sadness)

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