
Leader of Pineclan

Former warrior name Robinclaw

Lives left (NOTE! In tbp every leader can have max 2 lives): 1 life left

Gender: She-cat / Female

Pronouns: She/her



Lore / backstory: When she was a warrior she used to be mates with Seastar, until theygot into a big fight and then started despising each other. Both Seastar and Robinstar got outsider mates, had two kits with them who now live in their own clans. During every gathering is trying to start a fight with Seastar / Birchclan

Pelt: Brown with a red chest, also has a white tail tip,paws and muzzle

Eyes: bright blue eyes

Height: Medium height


Sibling(s): N/A?

Children: Raccoonwhisker, Acornleaf

Dissability if any: N/A

Mate or crush: Former mates Seastar, Random outsider tom

Sexuality: Straight

Former/current mentor:

Former or current apprentince(s) : Lilycreek

Songs that remind me of the character:

Art gallery:

What flower would this character be and why?:

Globe thistle (independence and nobility)

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