
A loner

Gender: Tom / Male

Pronouns: he/him

Age: 81 moons old

Personality: Free spirited, always somewhere else, carefree,

Lore / backstory: his parents died when he was young, his siblings probaply too who knows, uhhh he started traveling after that. And one day came across the clans and Moonheart, I honestly don´t know why they started to like each other but I guess Moonheart just needed a distraction from everything going on. Anyway he helped Moonheart when she gave birth to Black-kit and would hunt for her. They kinda like took turns babysitting him too actually. Anyways after he heard about Moonheart passing he was quite distraught so he decided he´d look after Black-kit until he could take care of himself. Anyway he taught him life skills and like after he turned 7 moons old he just kinda left. Who knows what he´s doing anymore, expect I know that he´ll make an another appearance later ;)))

Pelt: Medium furred black white

Eyes: pale green eyes

Height: Medium height

Parents: Some random cats

Sibling(s): Who knows ;)

Children: Blackpaw, possibly more with other cats (now that I think of that that would be a really interesting idea)

Dissabilites if has any: N/A

Mate or crush: Formerly mates with Moonheart, meaby some other cat after or before that

Sexuality: Straight,

Songs that remind me of the character: N/A

Art gallery:

What flower would this character be and what meaning behind the flower?:

Strelitzia (Freedom, immortality, adventure)

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