
Former Brightclan and Flameclan cat, currently one of Starclan´s elite guards

Cause of death: Killed my Flamefury / Flamestar (She sacrificed herself for her brother)

Gender: She-cat / Female

Pronouns: She/her

Age: 74 moons if she was alive, died at around 50 moons old.

Personality: Caring, loving, anxious, courageous, hardworking, self-sacrificial, a little reckless sometimes

Lore / backstory: Born into the family of Crystalstar and Starfur. After being an apprentince for about a moon, Brightclan got attacked by a gone rouge Darkclan cat, Flamefury. She survived his attack and wasn´t too badly scarred. Flamestar thought it was quite impressive (she litterly fought two warriors and she´s been an apprentince for a moon with very little battle training) so he kept her in the clan and personally trained her. He tried to make her bloodthirsty and would tell lies about what Crystalstar had apperantly done, but she didn´t belive him. She pretended to belive him and Flamestar started to trust her more, later making her the deputy along side Flamestar´s brother, Gingerleaf. After a bit of beef with other clans and she found her brother alive and scheming, she thought all of her family was dead but she found Roseflower alive (he changed his name to Roseflower at around this time too). Roseflower explained that he´s gatherd escaped Brightclan warriors and has some spies inside Flameclan, and that he´s planning to take Brightclan back. Moonheart gets in on this idea and becomes a high ranked spy. She also finds this loner tom who she kinda finds cute and funny so they just casually become mates. Anyway like at somepoint she finds out she´s pregnant and she´s very panicked about this because how is she goona raise a child without admitting to code breaking and keeping her rank as deputy. So she asks Flamestar to give her a mission and he does and she goes a little further away from the Brightclan/Flameclan border to give birth to Black-kit. Anyway Roseflower has no idea she´s even pregnantbut has like a tiny hunch since she left and he knows she has a outsider mate. When Black-kit´s like two moons old she starts leaving him alone once a while (Badger sometimes babysat him but not too often since he likes to travel more and not stay in one place). Oneday when she´s with Black-kit she hears like painful cat dying sounds so she goes to check it out, apperantly the great Rose vs Flame war had already begun so she goes there to fight. Flamestar tries to kill Roseflower but she kinda jumps in front and dies. The end. (If you want anymore Moonheart content or want to hear what ends up happening to Roseflower and Flamestar I suggest to read Blackmoon´s page , and meaby Flamefury/Flamestar´s too

Pelt: cream she cat with greyish brown markings and a curly hair tuft on her face. Medium fur lenght

Eyes: Bright light blue eyed

Height: Tall

Parents: Crystalstar, and Starfur

Sibling(s): Roseflower (littermate) Lavanderpaw (littermate)

Children: Blackmoon

Dissabilites if has any: N/A

Mate or crush: Was mates with Badger

Sexuality: Straight

Former/current mentor: after the Flamefury takeover, Flamefury

Former or current apprentince(s) : Littlefire

Songs that remind me of the character: This life is mine by Jeff Williams and Casey Lee Williams

Art gallery:

What flower would this character be and what meaning behind the flower?:

Moonflower (Love, dreaminess?, feminity, night-time?)

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