
Apprentince of Pineclan

Future warrior name: Bluestorm

Gender: She-cat / Female

Pronouns: She/her

Age: 6 moons old

Personality: Caring, Energetic, adventurous, tiny schemer, funny, a bit defensive, friendly, a lot of cats think she´s a diva even though she´s not

Lore / backstory: She is a ball of energy. Pretty much a carbon copy of her mother, Thunderheart, but Thunderheart was never really important so its fine. She struggles with hyperactive ADHD, is good friends with most cats. Eager to learn but gets bored. She has a crush on Darkpaw. Lets all hope that they won´t become tragic lovers yep :D I´m sure everything will be fine yep

Pelt: Blue with a dark blue striped back and head

Eyes: Amber eyed

Height: Somewhat short, but I think that might be because she´s just pretty small in general

Parents: Rowanfrost, and Thunderheart (deceased)

Sibling(s): N/A

Children: N/A

Dissabilites if has any: Hyperactive type cat ADHD

Mate or crush: Crush on Darkpaw

Sexuality: lesbian

Former/current mentor: Raccoonwhisker

Former or current apprentince(s) : N/A

Songs that remind me of the character: Trust me not (Hero and Villain duet) by Backseat Vegabond , Sad lesbians by black plish

Art gallery:

Bluepaw icon

Low effort Bluepaw fullart

What flower would this character be and what meaning behind the flower?:

Clematis (Mental strenght, intelligence)

White snapdragon (grace, strenght, deviousness/mischeaf)

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