
Apprentince in Pineclan

Future warrior name: Darkmoon

Gender: She-cat / Female

Pronouns: She/her

Age: 7 moons old

Personality: Competitive, cunning, vengeful, fierce, rebellious, loyal, caring, has a hard time dealing with rejection, troublesome, distant, patient, funny(?), genuine, "tragic villian character vibes"

Lore / backstory: The angsties apprentince. She has a strong need to prove that she´s capable and strong. But she craves affection more than anything, but makes sure that she never shows this. She´s getting pretty close to Bluepaw, thats good. She´s also friends with Flowerpaw and they bond over their feelings about everyone. Her relationship with her father is difficult, he really loves her and her brother. But theres just something about Swiftshadow that she doesn´t sense. Meaby she even relates to him a little without noticing it. Ravenpaw constantly tries to tell her that something is wrong with Swiftshadow but she doesn´t belive him and just tells him that he´s paranoid. This causes a rift between the two, and eventually in the story it will get worse for her and everyone.

Pelt: Night black with blueish silver markings

Eyes: cold icy blue eyes

Height: medium height but slightly taller than the avarage cat

Parents: Swiftshadow, and Braveheart

Sibling(s): Runningblaze (Half sister, Unaware of her existance) and Ravenpaw (littermate)

Children: N/A

Dissability if any: N/A

Mate or crush: small crush on Bluepaw

Sexuality: Lesbian and demiromantic

Former/current mentor: Lilycreek

Former or current apprentince(s): N/A

Songs that remind me of the character: Trust me not (Hero and Villain duet) by Backseat Vegabond , Devil moon by Car seat headrest, Maud gone by Car seat headrest, Moon´s request (Bonus track) by Lemon demon , Oi, muusaa! by Chisu , Feelin so Matryoshka by the scary jokes , I look up to you by Lake , Furniture by Owen palett , Mystery of love from Call me by your name , After dinner by Unloved , All the things she said by Poppy, Can you keep a secret? by Ellise , Baby tonight by black polish, Sad lesbians by black plish, Holy grail by Dead posey

Art gallery:

Darkpaw icon


What flower would this character be and what meaning behind the flower?:

Petunia (Anger, resentment, hope, desire)

Holly (Defense, Domestic happiness)

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