Deputy of Pineclan
Gender: tom / male
Pronouns: he/him
Age: 64 moons old
Personality: Charsmatic, Confident, Responsible, Calm, used to be kind of an asshole as a kit but he grew out of it
Lore / backstory: Used to be kind of an asshole to Swiftshadow as a kit, but as he grew older he got wiser. When Riverkit was around 4 moons old Swiftkit tore his left ear due to Riverkit calling Swiftkit too small to play with.
Pelt: silverish blue with a white chest, long fur
Eyes: Light blue
Height: tall
Parents: Sedgedust (deceased, and Branchfoot (deceased)
Sibling(s): Braveheart (Littermate)
Children: N/A
Dissabilites if has any: N/A
Mate or crush: N/A
Sexuality: Straight
Former/current mentor:
Former or current apprentince(s) : Morningsun
Songs that remind me of the character: There must be more than blood by Car seat headrest , Everybody loves me by Onerepuplic , Carousel by Fog lake,
Art gallery:
What flower would this character be and what meaning behind the flower?:
Canna lily (New begginings, rebirth)
Deutzia (glory, power, beauty, perfection)
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