
A warrior of Pineclan

Gender: She-cat / Female

Pronouns: she/her

Age: 64 moons old

Personality: Honest, obsessive, strong minded, a good listener, reckless, she is a very hard character to describe since she´s kinda complex, she belives in her opinions very strongly, if she likes belives something is right she´ll do it (including murder but in specific cases, and no were not talking about her mate Swiftshadow)

Lore / backstory: She was born with her brother Riverfur. She also grew up with Swiftshadow. She´s always been quite interested in him but only started seeing romantic potential in him later, who knows what she saw in him tbh. Anyway she realised later that he already has a mate and she kinda backed off for a bit. She remains on good terms with him. Anyways Swiftshadow´s mate dies. So later she kinda tries to romance him again but it doesn´t work so they get into an arangement that they pretend like they´re mates but they´re not really. So its like really one sided since Braveheart does really like him but he doesn´t really like her. Anyway ITS ABOUT TO GET REALLY CRAZY FOR HER :))) MEABY GETTING INVOLVED IN SOM QUESTIONABLE STUFF, AND SOME UNDERSTANDABLE STUFF TOO.

Pelt: Lilac silver with dark lilac markings, white paws and muzzle. Bushy tail, Otherwise medium lenght fur

Eyes: bright icy blue

Height: Medium height

Parents: Sedgedust (deceased, and Branchfoot (deceased)

Sibling(s): Riverfur (Littermate)

Children: Darkpaw , and Ravenpaw

Mate or crush: one sided mates with Swiftshadow (for now...) (wait I don´t mean that Swiftshadow will like ever love her, which he won´t)

Sexuality: Bisexual

Former/current mentor: Rainsong

Former or current apprentince(s): N/A

Songs that remind me of the character: You right by Doja cat and The weeknd, Jerome by Zella day , Jameson by Zella day, Michelle by Sir chloe , The other woman by Lana del rey , Kolmas pyörä by Chisu

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What flower would this character be and what meaning behind the flower?:

White rose (loyalty, purity)

Balloon flower (eternal love, elegance, sincerity)

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