Elder of Brightclan
Gender: Tom / Male
Pronouns: he/him
Age: 123 moons old
Lore / backstory: His parents were a part of the "The hunters" and he was born during the journey to make Brightclan. His thing is being the most handsome tom in all of the clans. Also was there during the Flamefury clan thing and stayed in Brightclan as a spy the whole time. Before the war became mates with Stripedflower but they both became mates with Yarrowhop too at the near end of the war.
Pelt: A very handsome long furred reddish brown tabby with light brown muzzle, neck and legs.
Eyes: Bright green eyes (I also like to draw him with "diamond" shaped pupils)
Height: medium height
Parents: Spruceroot (deceased), Firepounce (deceased)
Sibling(s): N/A
Children: Windchaser , Silentmoon , and Cometflight (not biologically his son)
Dissabilites if has any: N/A
Mate or crush: Mates with both Yarrowhop, and Stripedflower .
Sexuality: Bisexual and poly
Former/current mentor: Starfur
Former or current apprentince(s) : Ivycloud
Songs that remind me of the character: Three by Gaia Consort
Art gallery:
Elkrunner fullart
What flower would this character be and what meaning behind the flower?:
Epiphyllum (admiration, patience, good spirits)
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