Ivycloud or "Ivy"

Former kittypet and Brightclan cat, currently a loner

Gender: She-cat / Female

Pronouns: she/her

Age: 64 moons old

Personality: Bold, doubtful, silly, great fighter,

Lore / backstory: She was like 8 moons old when she realised she wasn´t meant for kittypet life. So far she had lived her whole live with her twolegs and parents, her littermates were given away to other homes but she stayed. But she couldn´t shake off the need for adventure. She loved being outside, feeling the wind on her fur, smelling fresh rain and hunting. But most importantly she wanted to see the clans herself, her mother was a former clancat and would tell all her kits stories of her past. Ivy out of all her siblings was especially interested in them.

She told her parents she was going to join Brightclan and most likely not coming back, her parents supported her and told her she could always come back home. Unfortunetly Ivy was going to join Brightclan at the worst possible time, during the Flamestar take over. Surprisingly he actually let her join Brightclan, but clanlife in Brightclan wasn´t what she was expecting it to be. Flamestar was extremely controlling and just in general quite horrible. She became friends with Moonheart and learnt that she was her cousin, anyway they teamed up to defeat Flamestar, after the war she was quite scarred mentally so she decided it was best if she left clan life behind

Later after becoming a loner she learnt that Moonheart had a son, Blackpaw, and would start meeting up with him after he was forced to join Brightclan. She told him information an´bout Brightclan and Moonheart, just general information. Plus she wanted to get to know her cousin´s kit. Nowdays she also sometimes visits her siblings and parents in the twoleg place, though she is probaply never going to return to the kittypet life again

Pelt: White spiky furred with black and light brown markings. Scarred from neck and on her back.

Eyes: pale blue eyed

Height: Medium height, but slightly short leaning

Parents: Lucifer, and Sunstone

Sibling(s): Some

Children: N/A

Dissabilites if has any: N/A

Mate or crush: N/A

Sexuality: Bisexual, demiromantic asexual

Former/current mentor: Elkrunner

Former or current apprentince(s) : N/A

Songs that remind me of the character: N/A

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What flower would this character be and what meaning behind the flower?:

Poison ivy (powerful women (?), "which includes the powers of death as well as life", fierce protector)

Ivy (affection, friendship, fidelity)

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