
An elder in Bright clan

Gender: She-cat / Female

Pronouns: She/her

Age: 147 moons old


Lore / backstory:

Pelt: Light brown tabby with a light grey star resembling mark behing her left ear

Eyes: Light blue eyes

Height: Short leaning

Parents: Random hunter meow meow

Sibling(s): More random hunter meow meows

Children: Roseflower , Moonheart (deceased), Lavanderpaw

Dissabilites if has any: N/A

Mate or crush: Mates with Crystalstar

Sexuality: Straight

Former/current mentor: Some hunter from "The hunters"

Former or current apprentince(s) : Elkrunner

Songs that remind me of the character: N/A

Art gallery:

An old Starfur fullart

What flower would this character be and what meaning behind the flower?:

Eustoma (happiness, joy, positive energy, gratitude, longevity, peace, charm)

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