Former kittypet, deceased wanderer now
Cause of death: Murderd by Seastar
Gender: She-cat / Female
Pronouns: She/her
Age: 28 moons old at time of death, 62 moons old if she was alive
Personality: Calm, peaceful, cautious, approachable, clingy, loyal
Lore / backstory: Mint was born as a kittypet. Her twoleg owner was an alcoholic, who would sometimes forget to feed her. At worst he would forget to feed her for days. Other kittypets tried to share food with her but they´re owners noticed the food bowls getting empty faster and their cats still acting hungry. So every cat owner around the block started keeping a closer eye on cat feeding bowls and it eventually got too hard for Mint to get food. Mint had heard lots of talking of the cats in the forest, especially from Sunstone who was a former Brightclan cat. She was always curious of the forest but was too afraid of the forest cats to go there. Mint got a bit too desperate for food (she was pretty much starving) and went to try and hunt on Pineclan terretory. After many attempts of hunting mice, she heard some cat coming to her and she immidietly hid inside a bush. A pineclan apprentince Swiftpaw had found her and gave her some food. Mint told him the reason she was there and he felt bad so he offerd some hunting lessons. She accepted and the two became friends.
Time passes, she sometimes snuck out to hang out with the alley cats and to hunt rats there. She would keep meeting up with Swiftpaw/Swiftshadow. She ended up falling in love with Swiftshadow and they became mates, then around 6 (?) moons later she´s pregnant. Moves to the alley in middle of the winter, gives birth to "Blaze" . Everything seemed to be well until there was a hard snow storm, she decided to go to Pineclan for shelter and meaby join Pineclan, but sadly she ended up on the border between Pineclan and Birchclan. Seastar ends up finding her (why is he there in the middle of the storm? Who knows) and he really hates trespassers so he kills her before realising thats a mother. He takes her child and leaves. She was still barely alive when Swiftshadow found her and she died in front of him. Mint is just dead now and spends her after life looking after her grandkits and Swiftshadow.
Go read Swiftshadow´s page if you want to know what happens to everyone after that.
Pelt: Long furred pretty brown tabby with a pink collar. (possibly a maine coon)
Eyes: bright green eyes
Height: Medium height
Parents: Random kittypet parents
Sibling(s): Unknown
Children: Runningblaze / "Blaze"
Dissabilites if has any: N/A
Mate or crush: Was mates with Swiftshadow until she died
Sexuality: straight
Former/current mentor: N/A
Former or current apprentince(s) : N/A
Songs that remind me of the character: We'll Meet Again by Ali akbar
Art gallery:
An old Mint fullart
Swiftshadow and Mint sketch
What flower would this character be and what meaning behind the flower?:
Campanula (Gratitude, humility, attractiveness, everlasting love, death)
Californian poppy (Dreams, relaxation, peace)
Mint (Protection, warm feelings)
Mint gets a lot of flowers ok. Hard to choose only two plants.
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