a Queen in Birchclan
Gender: She-cat / Female
Pronouns: she/her
Age: 36 moons old
Lore / backstory:
Pelt: Long furred brown tabby with black stripes and light brown muzzle and neck.
Eyes: Bright green eyed
Height: Medium height
Parents: Swiftshadow, and Mint but was raised by some Birchclan cat
Sibling(s): Half siblings Darkpaw, and Ravenpaw (but she isnĀ“t aware of this and neither are they)
Children: Goldenkit , Rustkit and Leafkit . Adopted child Shadepaw
Dissabilites if has any: N/A
Mate or crush: Mates with Copperdust
Sexuality: Straight
Former/current mentor:
Former or current apprentince(s) :
Songs that remind me of the character: Song name and by who
Art gallery:
What flower would this character be and what meaning behind the flower?:
Plumeria (beauty, charm, grace, new beginnings)
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