
A warrior of Pineclan

Gender: Tom / Male

Pronouns: He/him

Age: 62 moons old

Personality: Vengeful, Independent, Cold (expect like towards his children and Mint & Braveheart), a bit cunning, lonesome, deeply loving, melancholic

A way too long backstory: (NOTE! HIS STORY IS BEING CONSTANTLY CHANGED, SO NONE OF THIS IS LIKE FINAL OR ANYTHING JUST ALL WIPS) Considerd the "main" antagonist. His father died right before his mom found out she was pregnant, and she wasn´t very happy to learn that either (she never wanted to be a mom and was going to break up with Silverdust anyway). Due to that Ivorycloud left the job of raising Swiftkit to others but no cat would really raise him. Swiftkit´s mother would excuse her lack of parenting by "We have to prepare for a potential war agaist Flamestar", she does worry about a potential war but her main reason is to get away from Swiftkit so he doesn´t get attached to her. He would still keep trying to catch the attention of his mother, even if she would always ignore him.

At somepoint (around like when he was 2 moons old I think?) he and Riverkit got into a fight, which caused him to tore up Riverkit´s left ear. Sedgedust became his mentor and he really didn´t like Swiftpaw either because 1, he wanted to mentor one of his kits 2, this kit tore his son´s ear. Swiftpaw ends up running away from his mentor a few times and ends up meeting a kittypet named Mint during one of those runaways, her twoleg owner starves her so Mint tries to hunt in the forest and Swiftpaw teaches her how to survive and warns her about the clan. Later he actually ends up checking up on her more often and they get closer. Bravepaw is becoming friends with Swifftpaw so he isn´t entirely alone in his clan either.

Anyway his relationship with his mother gets worse due to him starting sneaking out, and his mentor really doesn´t like his attitude so he delays his warrior ceremony, due tp both of those things he starts to train in the dark forest / cat hell. He ends up becoming a warrior and after his ceremony Riverfur apologises to him but Swiftshadow doesn´t accept it.

Not long after he becomes mates with Mint and a few moons after that she is pregnant. Mint decides to runaway from her twoleg home and to give birth in the streets so no twoleg can steal her child, Swiftshadow and Mint name the kit Blaze . A snow storm hits and Mint goes to find Swiftshadow with Blaze who´s now three weeks old. She ends up on the border between Birchclan and Pineclan and Seastar finds her, and then kills her because he first thinks thats his ex mate and then thinks she´s a rouge. Seastar realises what he´s done and takes Blaze to Birchclan. Swiftshadow gets there but not quick enough becuase his mate is dead and Seastar just stole his child (he recognises the sent and does find some fur left from him). He decides he´s going to do everything he can to kill Seastar. So he starts planning how to kill him while also exposing him (oh yeah he and Braveheart become somewhat mates like moons later bcs he likes hanging out with her and Braveheart loves Swiftshadow too much and they have two kits.) (Soon after Robinstar sends some of her warriors to help Brightclan regain control of their clan from Flamestar, including Swiftshadow. During the battle Swiftshadow saves Puddlepaw . Sedgedust dies and Swiftshadow could care less) (Boom the end)

Some retconned ideas ive had: 1, At somepoint he and Braveheart were actually mates, but like even then he never loved her. He was like just pretending Braveheart was Mint. Anyways thats retconned now. 2, Swiftshadow killing Robinstar in the middle part is now also retconned, I thought it made no sense for him to become the leader if he really hates the idea, even if the Darkforest like tries to convince him. 3, Another retcon, Swiftshadow does not kill Ivorycloud, I think? I might make that cannon again but most likely I won´t, I just don´t like the idea, sure their physical fight is still cannon but like him killing her gives me off vibes. 4, Okay at VERY early stages he had like a another romance thing with Sunsky despite being straight? (well honestly is he even straight if that was like cannon at somepoint?), anyway they don´t like talk to each other much in current cannon but are friends

5, okay at somepoint I had a very silly idea what TBP 2 could be (Now TBP 2 doesn´t like even exist as a project, completely abandond). He and Mint get reincarnated by some higher power, (No idea who because it isn´t Starpath for later cannon reasons, also It can´t be Watcher since he can´t even talk to Mint since she´s not in the Darkforest), but like in the reincarnated thing they get brought in like bodies of two kit´s who were like completely separate, I remember the vessel of Swiftshadow actually ends up sharing the body with him but the one with Mint like somehow dies in the process? Idk its kinda odd lore now that I think about it, anyway they both end up joining Pineclan, and like bunch of stuff happens to litterly everyone that I can´t remember, I read one of the chapter files for this and like at the end of TBP 2 like Swiftshadow starts thinking Darkforest cats and Starclan cats are like delusions for some reason? Also for some reason he actually gets onto Starclan terretory where he sees his dad? I think like everyone attacks Swiftshadow, Swiftshadow and Mint like end up arguing and kill each other at the end. All of this stuff is like very retconed but its like funny to think about that this was a idea at somepoint

Pelt: Sleek dark furred with night black markings

Eyes: bright amber eyes

Height: Medium height, but slightly taller than avarage

Parents: Silverdust and Ivorycloud

Sibling(s): N/A

Children: Runningblaze , Darkpaw and Ravenpaw

Dissability if any: N/A

Mate or crush: former mate Mint , in a one sided relationship with Braveheart (Swiftshadow doesn´t like Brave in a romantic way but they still agreed to be mates, and yes Brave does know this)

Sexuality: straight

Former/current mentor: Sedgedust (deceased)

Former or current apprentince(s) : Ravenpaw

Songs that remind me of the character: Some strange angel, Goodbye love, Life worth missing by Car seat headrest . If I killed someone for you and One wrong turn by Alec Benjamin. Take me out by Franz Ferdinand , For the kill by Life on venus , Apocalypse by Cigarettes after sex , How can I tell you (remastered 2021) by Yusuf / Cat stevens , Toba the tura from Razia´s shadow , How villains are made by Madalen Duke

Art gallery:

Swiftshadow icon (not the best icon ive done so might have to remake this)

Picture of Swiftkit

Swiftkit with Ivorycloud!

Swiftshadow and Mint sketch

Swiftshadow ref

What flower would this character be and what meaning behind the flower?:

Marigold (Grief, jealousy)

and Darkish red roses (Love, deep emotions, grief, death)

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