
A warrior of Birchclan

Gender: She-cat / Female

Pronouns: She/her

Age: 21 moons old

Personality: brave, not very outgoing, open minded, hardworking, ambitious, adventurous, caring, nearly fearless

Lore / backstory: One of the four main characters, and part of the profecy of the four. She was found by Cedarlight and Copperdust as a kit. Since Snakekit had no known parents, she stayed in Birchclan and Cedarlight ended up adopting her. She becomes a warrior apprentince and is shown to be a skilled fighter. During her first gathering her friend Honeypaw ends up making a meeting between the Pineclan and Brichclan apprentinces (plus Lilycreek, she´s kinda there to babysit and catch gossip) and Snakepaw ends up meeting Acornpaw. She becomes friends with him nearly immidietly and they kinda just relate to each other. Acornpaw asks if he could hang out with her more and she agrees, but pretty soon they catch Swiftshadow being wierd and suspicious. They decide to both start spying on him because he´s strange. After that both cats start to have dreams about the future with shadowy images and fire.

Somewhere near the end of Snakepaw´s apprentinceship a war broke out between Pineclan and Birchclan. Swiftshadow attempts to kill her mentor Cinderstorm but Snakepaw attacks him and he attacks her back. Swiftshadow slightly scars her and then tries to kill her but Cinderstorm gets in between and dies. All while Snakepaw can only watch in fear. She tells every cat about what she saw but Seastar ended up not beliving her and started blaming her for his son´s death. He even punishes her by not making her a warrior for many moons, despite her already shown to be ready to be a warrior. She accidentaly meets Swiftshadow with Acornleaf again and they just kinda threathen each other because they all know something they shouldn´t. Another war between the two clans is about to break out again and her clanmates force Seastar to make her a warrior, she gets named Snakeheart because Seastar wants to remind everyone that he doesn´t like her. Anywaysshe and Acornleaf kinda end up liking each other and become mates while being criminal investigators.

Fun fact!: She was technicly the first character I created for tbp (If we don´t count Roseflower who used to be just a normal oc), Is one of the 4 main protags but gets the main character treatment

Pelt: Light blue with white muzzle, legs and half of the neck. And darker blue stripes. Has a small scar on her left eye and on her neck

Eyes: Right eye is blue, left one is green

Height: tall leaning

Parents: Unknown, Cedarlight (adoptive mother)

Sibling(s): Unknown, Copperdust (adoptive brother)

Children: N/A

Dissability if any: N/A

Mate or crush: Mates with Acornleaf

Sexuality: Straight

Former/current mentor: Cinderstorm

Former or current apprentince(s) : N/A

Songs that remind me of the character: Running with the wolves by Aurora, Team by Lorde, Something about us (love theme interstella 555) by Daft punk , Holding out for a hero Nothing but thieves cover , Do you want to die together? by Stars , Ghost towns by Radical face , King and Lionheart by Of mosters and men , Icarus by Bastille , The Missing Piece from Razia´s shadow , Holy the sea from Razia´s shadow , Doomsday by Lizzy McAlpine

Art gallery:

Snakeheart icon

A bit old Snakeheart ref sheet

SnakeAcorn art

Random SnakeAcorn cuddle art

Snakeheart with the other three profecy cats

Old Snakeheart art

What flower would this character be and what meaning behind the flower?:

Borage (Courage)

Forget me nots (hope, remembrance, true undying love)

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