
First and former leader of Brightclan, currently a Brightclan elder

Gender: Tom / Male

Pronouns: he/him

Age: 136 moons old

Personality: Loyal, loving, overly protective, determined, good leader, hard working, social, humble, strong sense of justice

Lore / backstory: He was found as a kit along with his siblings by a rouge cat group. They called themselves "The hunters", and also named the three "Crystal", "Ice" and "Sun". The hunters choose either to be a hunter or a guard (though some older cats refer to being a guard as "killer") The three were trained by Maggot, a guard. Maggot also had some hunter training so he passed down those skills too. The three graduated into guard and lived their lives. One day his groupmate Star started getting harassed by a few groupmate toms, he saw how uncomfortable she was with them and told them to back off. Star was thankful for this and the two began to become greater friends. Most of them stopped but "Whisper" didn´t, he tried to force Star to be his mate and force her to have kits with him, but Crystal stopped and killed him. Both Crystal and Star were shaken by this incident for different reasons and sadly grew more distant. Crystal finally realized why the older cats called the guard´s job the killer´s. He was disgusted by Whisper and his actions but he couldn´t shake off the image of his last moments from his head.

One night Starclan contacted him and his siblings. They told them about clan life, culture, and code. After three moons of telling stories they directly asked them to create a new clan, they would have space and were promised to be welcomed by the other clans. Crystal was intrigued by the clans, he thought they would survive better and he always wanted a tight-knit group to call home. Ice wasn´t very fond of this new idea and quickly declined the offer. Sun wasn´t too excited to leave her home either, but she didn´t really want to stay with the hunters either. After multiple talks with some of the other cats and his siblings, he left the hunters with Sun, Star, and some other cats, and also recruited some more along the way. Star and Crystal also finally began talking to each other again during this journey

When they arrived at clan territory they didn´t get the warmest welcome, but eventually, the other clans softened up to the new cats. Crystal created Brightclan on a pretty hill and became Crystalstar. Some other cats were also renamed, Star became Starfur, and Sun became Sunstone. Moons passed as they all settled and Starfur and Crystalstar became mates, Sunstone found love in a lost kittypet and left, Crystalstar and Starfur had kits together, then got into a war with Flamefury. He and Starfur were severely injured and had to retreat to the twoleg place, taken in by a vet. They left as soon as they could but realized how far from home they were. They spend a lot of time traveling back and when they finally came back, their son had taken Brightclan back from Flamefury and has become the leader. And their daughter was dead. Crystalstar and Starfur became elders some moons later

Pelt: White with black stripes and other black markings.

Eyes: purplish eyes

Height: medium height

Parents: Unknown

Sibling(s): Sunstone (littermate) Ice (littermate)

Children: Roseflower , Moonheart (deceased), Lavanderpaw

Dissabilites if has any: N/A

Mate or crush: Mates with Starfur

Sexuality: Straight

Former/current mentor: Maggot (The hunters)

Former or current apprentince(s) : Yarrowhop (?)

Songs that remind me of the character: N/A

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What flower would this character be and what meaning behind the flower?:

Jacaranda (wisdom, knowledge, wealth, good luck)

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