
Position in clan

Lives left (NOTE! In tbp every leader can have max 2 lives): 1 life left

Gender: Tom / Male

Pronouns: he/him

Age: 74 moons old (?)


Lore / backstory:

Pelt: Grey tom with a white neck and black markings. Wears Three small rose flowers on his right ear and has a few scars

Eyes: bright green eyes

Height: medium height

Parents: Crystalstar, Starfur

Sibling(s): Lavanderpaw (littermate) Moonheart (littermate)

Children: Wolfkit

Dissability if any: N/A

Mate or crush: Mates with Feather

Sexuality: straight, demisexual

Former/current mentor: Crystalstar for about an moon

Former or current apprentince(s) : Jaystripe

Songs that remind me of the character: Song name and by who

Art gallery:

What flower would this character be and why?:

Any color of rose (death, love purity, passion, friendship etc)

Jasione (justice)

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