Apprentince in Pineclan
Future warrior name: Ravencall
Gender: Tom / Male
Pronouns: He/him
Age: 7 moons old
Personality: Somewhat nerveous but can and will stand up for himself, caring, he would rather talk things out than fight
Lore / backstory: Always despised his fatherĀ“s wierd "preparation" training he has with his siter, he would even run off a few times. During his first gathering he met a Brightclan apprentince Lichenpaw who would just constantly hower around him, Ravenpaw was annoyed at first but he grew fond of the tom after a few gatherings. Now they actually meet at the gathering place during night-time once in a while. After Darkpaw caught them she would never stop teasing Ravenpaw about it. His father would have train him into a skilled warrior, even with some more dangerous ways of teaching... (later on TBP spoilers --->) After his father became the deputy Ravenpaw grew more worried about him, he was always wierd but not like this. His training got more extreme and his relationship with his father grew slighly more appart. After Swiftshadow is revealed to be the murderer of his uncle, and their former leader, he starts to despite his father and would start running away during night-time with Lichenshade so both of them could cope together about losing their parents.
Pelt: Night black with blueish silver spots, and his right paw. Right ear is mostly torn off and has tiny claw marks on his chest
Eyes: Night black tom with blueish silver spots and right paw, right eye is amber coloured and left one is a deep icy blue. Right ear is mostly torn off and has tiny claw marks on his chest
Height: medium height, slightly shorter than avarage
Parents: Swiftshadow and Braveheart
Sibling(s): Runningblaze (Half sister, Unaware of her existance) and Darkpaw (littermate)
Children: N/A
Mate or crush: In a wierd crush state with Lichenpaw
Sexuality: Gay
Former/current mentor: Swiftshadow
Former or current apprentince(s) : N/A
Songs that remind me of the character: What the hell happend? demo by Ked , Your stupid face by Kaden Mackay , I wait for you by Alex G
Art gallery:
An old Ravenpaw fullart
What flower would this character be and what meaning behind the flower?:
Clarkia (Enthusiasm and charm)
Blue lotus (rebirth, victory, wisdom)
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